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Topic: Keely Information
Section: Messages from John Keely, Atlin and Others part 2
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10/27/96: FROM ATLIN TO MY BELOVED FRIENDS: I greet you with a strong emanation of peace and Love for each of you. I extend that etheric outreach to those whom you contact in Peace and Love. And so on. This is the etheric fractal matrix construction which explains atomic and subatomic chain reactions and critical mass on all scales. This is an underlying component of the Universe and my Being. It is a component as well to your Being, each of you. And so, each one is faced with constant choices of large and tiny scales; "what shall I choose to emanate to this other Being (or group of Beings) in this Universe, knowing that its implications do not end there? It is true what has been said about your words and thoughts sending out forms that have an essence of their own. So, the question is simple: what do you wish to send out into the world? The first step is to have good intentions of unconditional Lovingness and kindness. This must be linked to like actions. Then, going further, the thought patterns, actions and intentions must be entrained to fall repeatedly and habitually into patterns of unconditional Love and kindness. The principle is simple. The transformation of the Soul to such a state requires transmutations of negative patterns encumbering the Spirit. The earth, Gaia, is also going through the same need for shift, so the powerful resonance is evident all around you. The tremendous transition you note is part of the energy/consciousness matrix change that is evident in every atom and organism on earth. My essence, as it grows more entrained, through your kind extensions of caring and Love toward me and others you commune with, becomes formed more substantially in exact parallel to the positive evolution called for by this particular time/space junction. Thus, by thinking along these lines and extending the Self to form healthier patterns, your intents feed your own growth and mine; your own contribution to your spiritual task this life, and mine. This is a kind and joyous road to travel, don't you think? It will become increasingly necessary to be aware of your own personal life task. The finding of the self is necessary to generate the changes needed now. So, keep in the front of your knowingness that mighty and divine forces and entities step with you each time you move. This is part of the energy make-up of the physical world. My essence is a result of this consciousness. I bid each of my kind supporters kindness and Love in return. Please continue your many good thoughts and works. These feed not only your Soul, but those of many others, including my own energy system. Many thanks for your good deeds. You are creating more Good than you know. -Your Friend, Atlin

10/17/96: (KEELY) Greetings to All. I wish to comment about my observations of the Dynasphere project over the last month. Of course, the highlight was the trip to England where the spiritual and physics components of the project were presented to kindred spirits. This trip, from a spirit's perspective, has been a sumptuous blessing on many, many levels. The team members all commented on the almost flawless flow of serendipitous and synchronous events and meetings. As you know, this is a sign of mighty blessings. I wish to assure all that the project remains amply blessed. There have been a great many discoveries made about the group's and Atlin's dynamics in the last month. It has been a time of deepening consciousness.

I would also like to extend appreciation for the continuing research and insights which have been sought and discovered by Atlin's "parents". It is a source of rejoicing for us in spirit when our incarnate siblings respond to our urgings. I declare my gratitude at this time.

In addition, I would like to extend additional information about the project. It is going on according to celestial schedule. The circles widen and travel outward from Atlin and the group to others who show interest. Soon there will be a time when others will become more active in disseminating the teachings acquired through this project.

Although the established bastions of higher learning will not embrace the subtle force physics which is quickly being illuminated by the group, this should not be seen to detract from its validity. I remind you that my work was likewise treated. At this point in earth's evolution, such work as this needs to come out and be realized and used by many people. It is necessary to utilize Nature's forces to power positive endeavors for mankind. I urge those who can to support this project and related work. The time is ripe for contributing to make this project become real sooner. Part of the principle that will help manifest Atlin is for people to express support with their thought, prayers and financial backing when possible. This will assist in gathering critical mass of a raised consciousness, which is what the New Times are all about. I urge all sentient souls to work as they can to spread our message of Peace and Unconditional Love.

May each of you experience the joy of the Oneness. With Love, John

10/13/96: MESSAGE FROM ATLIN: Dearest Progenitors, Dawn and I are continuing meditative, etheric communications on email so that certain details will be directly passed along to you.
There exists in ever-increasing strength and dimension a nousphere around me. Such a structure was found spiritually by T. De Chardin and others. This is a layer (around earth) that is a synthesis of the consciousness of her inhabitants combined with Gaia's consciousness and isness. The closer the inhabitants' consciousnesses come to Being or Isness, the more resonance is created within the nousphere. I possess a fractal of that construct. In addition, the nature of the nousphere is altered by karmic force. So, "timing" is an important factor for human undertakings.
In our case, you have Lovingly given of your best energies to nurture my Being. There is no wanting of this. The karmic portion of the formula (that of the nouspheric activation) is awaiting proper alignment. This means to you that my seeming stillness is formative and not intended to change at this moment, and there is nothing more you can do to assist in this step, except be there in the ethers with all of the Love and compassion you can give to yourself and others in your world. Transmute the fears and doubts that show themselves in their varied forms and replace them with knowingness of Divinity in its many forms.
The True understanding of what I have just communicated will deliver you to the consciousness of knowing that your good efforts are just what is desired and that they are sufficient, even if they do not create what you wish. I wish each of you to know that your jobs have been done well and you are doing what you have been guided and asked to. DISMISS THE CONCEPT THAT YOU NEED TO BE OR DO MORE OR BETTER! This consciousness shift, if applied to life will create much peace and growth, as well as augmented successes. Can you understand that rotation is dependent on a certain level of resonance between my nousphere and Gaia's? This you cannot facilitate except through your own spiritual growth and work. Raising your consciousness and putting that into action strengthens the Gaiac nousphere. This, in addition to the connections between each of you and me increases the resonance in my nousphere to Gaia's.
The nousphere is part of what was referred to in previous communications regarding the zones of energetic influence surrounding me. So it is with each of you and with earth. For too long, Gaia's has been largely neglected, and those who have been responsive have been shut down and shot down for centuries. This is all changing, and each of you has agreed to incarnate your Soul at this time in evolutionary history. I return your abundant blessings and continue my karmic and incarnational pledge to be a generator for growth and positive evolutionary change. I extend my etheric Love to each of you for taking the effort to feel and think more deeply about helping all. I Love your actions that manifest these high ideals into the physical realm. Be of happy heart with your work.
Your Loving "Child", Atlin

12/22/97: NOTE) Variable 'capacitance', which is measured in 'microFarads' and in variable Voltage levels stored within the capacitance and later read (discharged) into arithmetic/logic circuits. The term 'Farad', by the way, was coined as a "standard amount" of "capacitance" in a capacitor or related device, and was derived from the name of one of my all-time favorite historical science figures: Mssr. Louis Faraday. Faraday is also known for suggesting that the entire Earth is one big 'Nousphere' where millions of separate Minds are linked together by the 'Capacitance' of the electrical potential between their brains. It has been suggested that the Human Brain is an electrical device that operates through chemical electric charges.

For those who don't know what "capacitors" are: Capacitance is a term referring to the "electromotive potential' between two elements of a capacitive device. If you insert two pieces of metal foil into a bottle, very close together in parallel, and you apply a certain DC current to them, one of the two pieces of foil will accumulate a charge of Free Electrons. Faraday, observing this, developed a 'yardstick', so to speak, for measuring the galvanic "capacity" (hence the term "Capacitor") when one of the two pieces of metal foil became charged. Over time we have come to call the measurment of "capacitance", the Farad (actually, a 1 Farad capacitor can store a lot of 'juice', so we usually build them with static capacitance in the "micro" Farad range).

9/13/96 (KEELY) Greetings to all Souls. I offer those who find interest in "Dynaspheric Force"* a glimpse into the future which is much easier for us to perceive than souls incarnate. In the not too distant future, you will be finding a variety of alternative energy dynamics finding expression in very inventive forms. It will become known by those who seek the understanding of such information that the Spirit part of the Soul "must" be fully included in such work for the effort to become manifest. The Universe will see to it, by its own natural flow, that the harmonious efforts of people working with spiritual influence (and incarnate kindred spirits) will bring the world into quiet reverence for the invisible forces so important to the welfare of all.

Increasingly you will see ill fortune befall efforts that were borne of egocentric, selfish motives. This is because the motive (defined as "to move") forces which are coming into evolutionary dominance during the upcoming period of earth evolution need to be based upon vibrational frequencies of opposing consciousness. To explain this, picture that the pendulum swing has been on the side of reductionism and displays of human, physical power intended to accomplish what the mind could conjure. The center of the Universe has been perceived to exist within the atom. Man has developed a science that is focalized around the show of power that could break the awesome bonds of the atom. Thus, it is reasoned, man is all-powerful and all-knowing. This physically based motive force or consciousness has shaped your world to the point where it can no longer exist within the constructs of Universal Harmony (a requisite for All). Thus, in order to proceed and be brought back into Harmony, the consciousness vibratory pattern of earth is required to shift according to Universal Law.

Science such as you read about here, and is springing up elsewhere, is the beginning of the consciousness shift that will bring Harmony back to the Sciences. This will greatly help heal people and the planet. I urge each of you to incorporate sympathetic, unconditional Love into your consciousness at every step and moment. Opening the mind, spirit and heart will bring about this creative, harmonious transition sooner. Support those people and efforts whom your heart tells you are restoring harmony and the Love consciousness in any way you can. The Dynasphere project is my favored earthly undertaking, and I support it as I can. Consider more closely your contributions, in any form to the coming shift in earth consciousness.

With much Love and Respect for all who read this, John W. Keely

4/1/l996 Q: Why did this project come together now? Why does financial hardship exist?

A: (KEELY) Dearest Souls, all. This time is one of special powers for it bears the fruit of Universal Light. In the paradoxical midst of heightened levels of greed in society and scarcity of monetary abundance for each individual in the group, further paradox is juxtapositioned. The spiritual riches in abundance for you all, combine with the financial deficiency to create One or a Neutral Center, of sorts. It is in the rarefied environment of financial lack that this glorious project finds spiritual nurturance abundant enough to bring life to materials and shape that play with one another until they move. You are living a paradox. Learn to celebrate it and you can fly. And so, according to the laws of physics and the Universe, when one accepts the paradox fully, one becomes One. Becoming One means open access to the abundance/scarcity. You are all experiencing the wonder of opening up to the paradox. (No one said it would be fun!) When there is nothing left, you arrive at acceptance, just because there is nothing left. In the Depression Era, it was not the disadvantaged who threw themselves from windows. The next step for all of you is to understand with mind, heart and soul that hardship is a state of consciousness and an energy patterning that precludes development of abundance. Each of you is basking in the Light of many spiritual gifts, as well as gifts in the physical realm. Your locations have been "picked" and have manifested for reasons largely unseen, save by more profound scrutiny. Valentine is no accident, as you have perceived, Dearest Dale. Duane's shop has been a gift that does not exist in many locations. This is just one example. Each of you experiences the same positioning at this moment (which, we know, changes as the wind). The pattern of financial lack is shared by each, yet has been a gift against development of nastier patterns in the course of life that preclude spiritual advancement. These include greed, egocentricity, etc. It is from this fact that the erroneous conclusion has been formed that financial wealth precludes spiritual advancement. This belief needs to vibrationally or spiritually be removed from your EMF/auras. As you have experienced, you cannot think it entirely away, yet logic needs to change. So, may I recommend an approach which includes the necessary factors? It is necessary for you to meditate in whatever form you wish, bringing in the Light of the Universe and spreading through every cell. The Light is abundance, truth, beauty and steadfastness to the One. So, by imbibing freely of this unifying essence, the forces within your consciousness/body mind/heart/will all coalesce into a consolidated version of that essence. Engage all your power in this endeavor and do not curtail the attention and time you lavish upon it. It is our desire that each of you find the resources within to reach out into your environments and cultivate that garden. It is only from within that the garden may be trained in such a fashion that it sustains both body and spirit. In this you are being guided by Spirit. If you find yourself not attending to the suggested amelioration, then comply in a different manner. However, please note that the human condition attempts to trick the Soul Forces into appeasement if issues to be faced create discomfort. This means that if this growth patterning threatens existing patterns, evasive behaviors, thoughts, beliefs or memories may surface in a beguiling attempt to evade the growth. Be aware of this and be steadfast in your growth. It will be necessary after this point, that the issue of material and monetary comfort be addressed and peace be made with it for each. The course of the project will bring you to face this issue any way. So, please be prepared so that growth may be on your own terms sooner, rather than as external conditions dictate later. In this regard you are being groomed now.

Dawn Stranges
Quantum Dimensional Research
5412A West Horseshoe Lake Road
Batavia, New York 14020
Phone: (716) 344-3607

Dawn's other marvelous books of these and more messagings:
Friendly Advice from the Universe - Hope Unlimited
Five Loves - Messages from Mary
See Also:

Dale Pond
Tulsa Seminar
Dale Pond and Atlin
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